Linux Academy: Modern front-end architecture - introduction to React and Redux

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Zapraszamy na kolejną prelekcję z cyklu Linux Academy. Data i miejsce: 15 marca, budynek C-13, sala 1.31, godzina 19.00 Prelekcja odbędzie się w języku angielskim. The talk will be given in English. Interested in learning about emerging technologies such as blockchain, big data, Internet of Things and more that are powering the latest innovative companies in Silicon Valley? Understanding these new technologies and the trends in the software development industry is crucial if you want to grow your career as a developer and work on amazing projects. Please join Sofomo’s Tech Talk on Wednesday, March 15 at Wrocław University of Science and Technology 1.31 C-13 building. You will also learn about React.js, which has exploded in popularity over the past year. Companies such as AirBnB, Expedia, Asana and more use React to leverage the full power of JavaScript in order to build amazing user interfaces. As a software developer (front-end and back-end developers), in the near future you will no doubt be working on a project that includes React.


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Spotykamy się w każdy wtorek o godzinie 18:00 w naszej siedzibie, która mieści się na ulicy Grunwaldzkiej 61, w pok. nr 1 (wejście boczne budynku T3).

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